When it comes to producing any type of content, copyright and trademark law should always be kept in mind. Copyrightable material is any original creation in a tangible form and registered with the U.S. Copyright Office or a similar organization in another country. Copyrighted material is protected by laws that limit a copyright holder's exclusive rights.
Trademark law helps protect settings, characters, logos, and words used by businesses to identify their products or services. It is important for anyone creating content to be aware that content may contain trademarks, logos, and catch phrases owned by someone else, and to ensure these materials do not appear in any final material.
At our company, we strive to produce the highest quality products in accordance with the law. As such, we do not accept any trademarked or copyrighted material, even if the material has been previously published or acquired from other sources.
When producing our products, we must be vigilant in understanding copyright and trademark law so we can create designs and material that is original and free of infringement.
Designers at our company must be familiar with copyright and trademark laws to ensure that the designs for products they are producing are free of any potential infringement. In addition, we employ automated plagiarism-checking tools to ensure that our content, and our designs are free from any other company's intellectual property.
As a leading producer of custom apparel, we remain ever mindful of copyright law and trademark laws and adhere to standards outlined by the World Intellectual Property Organization in order to remain compliant. In addition, we strive to create truly original designs and do not accept any trademarked or copyrighted material.